Tag Archive for: Eyebrow Studio Brisbane

Eyebrow Lamination Brisbane – Give Your Brows The Hollywood Treatment

So, you’ve been looking for Eyebrow Lamination Brisbane? Well, you’re in luck! Because until recently, brow lamination was only available to Hollywood’s elite, but it has gained vast popularity in recent years and made it all the way to our beauty salon in Sunnybank Hills – The Eyebrow Specialist.

So, what exactly is brow lamination? It’s the process of restructuring your brow hairs to keep them in the shape you desire. It’s been the go-to eyebrow treatment for many Hollywood stars – and for good reasons.

Slightly different from a brow perm, brow lamination involves straightening the brow hairs using a chemical solution, providing a painless way to straighten eyebrows that don’t have the desired symmetry or where the hairs grow in a different direction.

What are the benefits of Eyebrow Lamination Brisbane?

Eyebrow lamination is an amazing treatment that helps to address various concerns and difficulties you may have with your own eyebrows.

These include:

  • Gaps in your brows from overplucking or overwaxing in the past
  • Thinning hair that may occur with age
  • Unruly brows that tend to grow in different directions despite brushing them
  • Lack of shape or unevenness

Overall, brow lamination will make your eyebrows look thicker and fuller. Pulling the hairs up vertically also makes it look like you are experiencing new growth. The entire process is non-invasive, pain-free, ad delivers great results in just one treatment!

Before & After Brow Lamination - The Eyebrow Specialist Sunnybank Hills, Brisbane

Before & After Brow Lamination – The Eyebrow Specialist Sunnybank Hills, Brisbane

How long does brow lamination last?

Don’t we all wish the results would last forever? However, like with any treatment, the effects of eyebrow lamination are only temporary and we recommend repeating the process every couple of months to keep your eyebrows looking stunning.

It’s also important to apply a high-quality moisturising oil or cream to your eyebrows immediately after the treatment. We can assist you and recommend a product that works best for your skin type and provide you with the necessary after-care tips to make the results last longer.

After your appointment, and even once washed, your brows will stay in position for up to eight weeks. And whether you choose to wear them wet or dry, the final result is the thick, natural fluffy brows we’ve all been looking for.

Where to find Eyebrow Lamination Brisbane?

You may have already been searching for “brow artist Brisbane” or “brow studio Brisbane”, but be aware that not all brow artists in and around the Brisbane area will deliver the same quality of service – and the results can vary significantly. No matter which eyebrow expert you choose to book with, always be sure to ask about the following:

  • Experience
  • Licensing and credentials
  • Pricing
  • Portfolio or reviews of past clients
  • Professional advice for follow-ups and possible side effects

The experience of your eyebrow artist is crucial and we assume that you do not want your precious eyebrows to be handled by a trainee or someone who has only done the treatment a few times.

Here at The Eyebrow Specialist in Sunnybank Hills, we have over 18 years of experience in the industry and never offer a one-fits-all solution. Instead, we look at your individual needs, sensitivities, and personal style to match your perfect eyebrows.

Eyebrow Lamination FAQ

What does Eyebrow Lamination do?

Eyebrow lamination is the latest beauty secret that will thicken and enhance your natural brows. Similar to the idea of a lash lift, brow lamination involves the application of a setting lotion that gives the brow hair a semi-permanent “brushed up” and lifted look. Whether you have thin, thick, or over-plucked eyebrows, brow laminating is the perfect solution to give you the everyday look you want, without effort.

How should I prepare for brow lamination?

Prior to your brow lamination appointment, we recommend the following:

  • Avoid using exfoliants, retinoids, or AHAs on your face for one to two weeks before your brow lamination appointment

  • Avoid tweezing at least one week prior to your appointment (if you’re interested, we do offer the option to add on a brow wax to your lamination appointment)

  • Please come to your appointment without any makeup on your face

If you are in need of professional makeup after your brow lami appointment, check out our professional makeup service by a qualified Brisbane makeup artist.

Some things to avoid after your eyebrow lamination appointment

  • Don’t get your eyebrows wet (avoid the shower & bath)

  • Don’t go into a sauna

  • Don’t use oil-based products

  • Don’t apply heavy creams, makeup, or makeup remover to your brows

  • Don’t sleep directly on your brows (we know, easier said than done for our stomach sleepers)

Can I get my eyebrows wet after a brow lamination?

Similar to a lash lift, keeping your brows dry in the 24 hours following your lamination treatment is very important. During the lamination process, we use an assortment of creams, as well as a permanent gel to relax and shape your brows. If you get your eyebrows wet too soon after we finish applying these products, your brows do not have a chance to set with their new shape.

How long do the results of eyebrow lamination last?

A brow lamination will last about 4-6 weeks (depending on aftercare). Be sure to follow the “things to avoid” mentioned above in the first 24 hours following your treatment for longer-lasting results. In the 48 hours following your treatment, you can apply a hydrating balm or castor oil to your brows daily. We also recommend brushing your brows in an upright/styled position anytime following a shower (or after getting your brows wet) to help retain their new shape.

Click here to book your eyebrow lamination appointment today!


Can’t find the answers you were looking for? Check out our FAQ page or simply send us a message. We are always here


8 Stunning Examples of Before And After Eyebrow Treatment

Professional eyebrow waxing and sculpting can have a significant impact on your look and, as a result, boost your confidence and well-being!

Getting your eyebrows done by a professional isn’t just a wonderfully pampering experience, but it can also reduce the number of hours you spend every day trying to fill in your eyebrows using a ton of eyebrow pencils and other products that may even harm your body. The effects of tinted eyebrows tend to last for a few weeks after the treatment and if you are rocking great eyebrows, you may not even feel the need to wear too much eye makeup.

And if you’re wondering, “Where can I get the best eyebrow waxing in Sunnybank Hills or greater Brisbane”, look no further! Come visit Rhina at The Eyebrow Specialist and get your eyebrows professionally waxed, designed, tinted, and more. You certainly won’t regret that decision. Rhina’s 100+ 5-star customer reviews speak for themselves.

And now, without further ado, here are 15 examples of before and after shots of some of Rhina’s happy clients.

Before and After Eyebrow Treatment at The Eyebrow Specialist Brisbane

Browscape - Eyebrow Makeover Package by Rhina - Sunnybank Hills, Brisbane

Creating beautiful brows is an art in itself, and as a professional brow artist, Rhina’s Eyebrow Artistry treatments mean that even the most unruly brows can be given a natural shape, thickness, and colour that will subtly transform your appearance, giving you an instant facelift.

Our Signature Brow Design includes an initial consultation, brow mapping, customised wax to suit your skin type and hair growth, precision tweezing and trimming, as well as a custom colour tint (for those who cannot have waxing, a tweezing option is available, please notify your artist).

Getting your eyebrows to look perfect is one thing, but keeping them looking that way is another. Our brow maintenance appointments will help to keep your brows in perfect shape and colour to ensure you always look your absolute best. Why would you choose anything else?

Schedule your next eyebrow appointment with Rhina

Click here to check availability and book online

Sometimes we all feel like we need a makeover, so why should your brows be any different? Our Eyebrow Makeover Package includes Signature Brow Design, classic brow, and eyelash tint. We recommend rebooking every 2-4 weeks for optimal results.

Our Classic Eyebrow Tint is a simple way of enhancing brows that are already full, by mainly staining the hair which lasts up to 2-4 weeks. Perfect for anyone who has not had any previous experience with tinting and would like a fuller look.

If you are looking for a longer-lasting tint, give our Henna Eyebrow Tint a go. It’s the longest-lasting tint service available that targets the hair and skin. Not only does it give a longer-lasting colour to the brow hair, but it also leaves a tattoo-like powder effect stain on the skin. Perfect for those with sparse brows or who love a bolder effect. Lasts up to 7 days on the skin and up to 4-6 weeks on brow hair. Amazing!

One of our most popular eyebrow treatments is Brow Lamination. It involves straightening and lifting the hairs using a chemical solution, which allows the hairs to have more flexibility to move them into your desired shape, therefore covering any gaps or stray areas and gives a fuller and fluffier look. If you have unruly, flat, or downward growing hairs, Brow Lamination can change the direction of hair growth to create a higher arch and more desirable brow shape for up to 8 weeks.

Ready to rock those perfectly shaped brows and lashes?

Contact us today or schedule your appointment online. We look forward to meeting you!